Teresa Feo

PhD candidate

Email: teresa.feo@yale.edu
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I am broadly interested in the evolution and development of morphological diversity. My morphology of choice has been feather shapes. For my dissertation research I am using a combination of theoretical modeling and empirical investigations to study the evo-devo of asymmetrical flight feathers. Additionally, I have spent many years working with Dr. Chris Clark on an ongoing project to describe the courtship displays of ‘bee’ hummingbirds and how they use their diversity of tail feather shapes to produce sounds.



  1. Feo, T.J., J.M. Musser, J. Berv, and C.J. Clark. (2015). Divergence in morphology, calls, song, mechanical sounds and genetics supports species status for the Inaguan hummingbird (Trochilidae: Calliphlox “evelynae” lyrura). The Auk, 132:248-264. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-14-108.1 PDF

  2. Feo, T. J., & Prum, R. O. (2014). Theoretical morphology and development of flight feather vane asymmetry with experimental tests in parrots. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 322(4), 240–255. doi:10.1002/jez.b.22573 PDF

  3. Clark, C. J., Feo, T. J., and von Drogen, Wouter. 2013. Sounds and courtship displays of Peruvian Sheartail, Chilean Woodstar, Oasis Hummingbird, and a Peruvian Sheartail × Chilean Woodstar. The Condor, 115(3): 558-575

  4. Clark, C. J., Feo, T. J., and Brian, K. B. 2012. Courtship Displays and Sonations of a Hybrid Male Broad-Tailed × Black-Chinned Hummingbird. The Condor, 114(2):329-340

  5. Clark, C. J., Feo, T. J. and Escalante, I.  2011.  Courtship displays and natural history of the Scintillant (Selasphorus scintilla) and Volcano (S. flammula) hummingbirds.   Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 123(2): 218-228

  6. Feo, T. J. and Clark, C. J. 2010. The displays and sonations of the Black-chinned Hummingbird (Trochilidae: Archilochus alexandri). The Auk 127(4): 787-796

  7. Clark, C.J. and Feo, T. J. 2010. Why do Calypte hummingbirds “sing” with both their tails and their syrinx? An apparent example of sexual sensory bias. Am Nat 175(1):27-37

  8. Clark, C. J. and Feo, T. J. 2008. The Anna’s Hummingbird chirps with its tail: a new mechanism of sonation in birds. Proc R Soc B, 275, 955-962.